The MGOCSM (Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement) is an organization formed by the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in order to deepen the spiritual life of College and High School students as well as to create in youth a livelier sense of fellowship. The Church, along with many of its leaders, realized that the youth was the future of the church and needed to keep the youngsters connected to their church. To do so they created the MGOCSM.

The Detroit MGOCSM chapter was inaugurated in 2000 by His Grace Mar Severios The main activities of the MGOCSM include monthly meetings, bible studies, conferences, retreats, fellowship activities, church clean-ups, and annual picnics. Besides helping out with the church activities, the chapter also lends a hand to the community by working with the Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross Society, Gleaner’s Food Bank, and by volunteering at various nursing homes.

The 2003 National Leadership Camp was organized by the Detroit chapter at Michigan State University. Delegates from various chapters throughout the United States participated in the camp. Similarly, in 2012, Detroit was chosen to host the National Leadership Camp again. This camp is being put together by a dedicated committee that is made up of the youths in the Detroit MGOCSM. Leadership Camp Detroit 2012 will be held at Alma College from July 25th- 28th. Clergy and Focus members, and delegates from various MGOCSMs throughout the nation will gather together to participate in this camp.

This chapter of Detroit MGOCSM has also started up a quarterly newsletter, the MGOCSM Spirit. In this newsletter, members from various churches write articles on a multitude of topics. These topics range from what they learned at past events, to talking about the importance of fasts, to sharing an experience they had, to talking about a national event they attended.

Overall, the Detroit MGOCSM unit continues to prosper as the years continue. With the grace of God and the assistance from our vicars, these kids continue to grow in their faith and grow in their own personal relationships with God.

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